Dave Smylie

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Dave started playing the drums at age 9 on his brother's new Premier drum kit "when he was out of the house." Turning on the nearby record player introduced him to Charlie Watts and The Rolling Stones. "I was immediately able to play along, so I figured drumming was for me."

Dave put his drums aside for much of his young adult life during an intense "soul-searching" time but eventually got back to music, playing with some local bands until he got together with Chris Peterson to form The Swellheads in 2000.

After working as an insurance agent for eleven years, Dave left that line of work to pursue a passion for music left dormant since his youth. The Swellheads represent very different backgrounds and influences but one unique and special group of musicians; "I look forward to every playing opportunity we have together."

Dave comes from an artistic family. Check out his brothers' art studio here.

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